Saturday, May 23, 2020

Hiv / Aids Infection And Design Ways And Methodologies...

HIV is a human immune virus while AIDS is acquired immunity-deficiency syndrome. From sampling, I chose HIV/AIDS to be my topic of research, based on the magnitude of the rate of infection and spread of the disease given that it is relative to behavioral and social relations of people. This topic is controversial in the sense that it s one of the major factors responsible for the underdevelopment of most of the nations in the world. The purpose of the research and study was to identify the rate of HIV/AIDS infection and design ways and methodologies towards reducing the rate of infection of the population. The study is also aimed at providing a detailed analysis of available studies on the effects of AIDs. It was also to investigate†¦show more content†¦How to address the HIV/AIDS pandemic/ Intervention programs Sex education Sex education should be provided to all, especially the young generation so that they get to learn about ways of preventing them and reduce chances of them contracting the disease. By giving them sex education, it enables them to take care of their bodies. Peer counseling This is also another method of preventing the likelihood for the spread of HIV/AIDS. This one helps to withdraw negative peer pressure, which may mislead and lead others to carry out irresponsible sexual behavior Adoption of safe sex practices It’s advisable for people to practice safe sex. This will lead to prevention of the exchange of body and virginal fluids and this increases chances of getting infections. Research has it that oral sex is much less risky than anal or vaginal sex (Balmer, 1993). Anal sex is the most risky type of sex for the spread of HIV Sexual abstinence Abstinence is the best method in which one can prevent the spread of a disease. Here the married couples are advised to remain faithful in their relationships and for the unmarried people to abstain from sexual activities until marriage. Immigration regulation There should be in place policies regulating migration from one region to another, especially in war torn areas where we have refugee camps. These cases led to evils like rape and other sexual activities with aliens or people from different regions whose status is unknown, hence

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Is the Illegalization of Marijuana Valid - 1589 Words

Is The Illegalization of Marijuana Valid? The debate over the legalization of Cannabis sativa, more commonly known as marijuana, has been one of the most heated controversies ever to occur in the United States. Its use as a medicine has existed for thousands of years in many countries world wide and is documented as far back as 2700 BC in ancient Chinese writings. When someone says ganja, cannabis, bung, dope, grass, rasta, or weed, they are talking about the same subject: marijuana. Marijuana should be legalized because the government could earn money from taxes on its sale, its value to the medical world outweighs its abuse potential, and because of its importance to the paper and clothing industries. This action should be taken†¦show more content†¦Dr. Roger Pertwee, Secretary of the International Cannabis Research Society states that as a recreational drug, Marijuana compares favorably to nicotine, alcohol, and even caffeine. Under extreme amounts of alcohol a person will experience an inability to stand or walk without help, stupor and near unconsciousness, lack of comprehension of what is seen or heard, shock, and breathing and heartbeat may stop. Even though these effects occur only under an extreme amount of alcohol consumption, (.2-.5 BAL) the fact is smoking extreme amounts of marijuana will do nothing more than put you to sleep, while drinking excessive amounts of alcohol will kill you. The most profound activist for marijuanas use as a medicine is Dr. Lester Grinspoon, author of Marihuana: The Forbidden Medicine. According to Grinspoon, The only well confirmed negative effect of marijuana is caused by the smoke, which contains three times more tars and five times more carbon monoxide than tobacco. But even the heaviest marijuana smokers rarely use as much as an average tobacco smoker. And, of course, many prefer to eat it. His book includes personal accounts of how prescribed marijuana alleviated epilepsy, weight loss of AIDs, nausea of chemotherapy, menstrual pains, and the severe effects ofShow MoreRelatedEssay about Why Marijuana Should Be Legalized1554 Words   |  7 Pages Marijuanas illegalization has always been erroneous. Early in the 1900s, a surge of Mexicans immigrated to the U.S., and the marijuana they brought with them was quickly associated with them. In the 1930s, tensions between white Americans and Mexican immigrants were heightened due to the Great Depression, and the use of marijuana was ultimately prohibited for the general public in 1937 with the Marijuana Tax Act (Marijuana Timeline). By the 1960s, marijuana became a symbol of countercultureRead MoreEssay about Legalize It!828 Words   |  4 Pagesat one of these methods that deals with the legalization of marijuana. In the following pages you can look at why I think there is a problem in the United States which deals with the use of drugs, our solutions to the problem and our responses to the attacks against the legalization of marijuana. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Although, legalization will increase use of the drug. However, many supporters of continuing the illegalization of drugs believe that by legalizing drugs they will become moreRead MoreGore Vidal and Legalization of Marijuana1243 Words   |  5 PagesGore Vidal, An American writer acknowledge for writing plays, essays, and novels is also famously known for the essay â€Å"Drugs: Case for legalizing Marijuana.† In this essay, he talks about the effects of legalizing Marijuana. As he begins to talk about the possible ways of stopping addiction, he analyzes modern society while critiquing the flaws of preventative laws against illegal substances. Using himself as an approach to explain that addiction does not occur after one intake; however after variousRead MoreThe Issue Of The Legality And The War On Drugs1246 Words   |  5 PagesAmerica is absurdly simple and easily solved† and â€Å"that the drug problem in America is a lost cause†. He suggests that the war on drugs is essential and they aren’t taking it seriously. He seems very passionate on the topic and brings up a lot of valid points which also covers many common rebuttals. On the other hand, although having good intentions on the matter, there are many fallacies that are obvious and he tends to use worst-case scenarios as a kind of norm. Overall I would rate the essay aRead MoreThe Cultural Shock Of Cannabis1993 Words   |  8 Pageswas a skunk in someone’s pocket, but once my older brother made fun of me for thinking so, I was sure to never make the same mistake again. In high school, the drug was around me even more, and there was a lot of publicity about the â€Å"new† medical marijuana controversy. A few years later, the drug was legalized and my â€Å"skunky little acquaintance† was everywhere. From the chairlifts at Vail Ski Resorts, to constant advertisements, and even to the parties I would attend on weekends, it seemed as thoughRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?2225 Words   |  9 PagesComparison Marijuana is amongst one of the most disputable subjects in political issues. It is the most exploited drug in the United States and can even be around the globe. Marijuana is the main source of substance reliance other than alcohol in the United States. Numerous groups in recent years have come forward and claim that marijuana use has been beneficial with numerous medical conditions. In fact, it has helped numerous people with diseases, for example, Glaucoma, Cancer, and any other physicalRead MoreMarijuana Prohibition Has Failed United States2670 Words   |  11 PagesMarijuana Prohibition Has Failed United States In today’s society, criminalizing the use of marijuana has proved to be as effective as prohibition ended the consumption of alcohol in 1920. In retrospect, many people find ways in which to illegally obtain the drug. This drug has infiltrated our nation to the point that many citizens find the drug readily available in society and according to the National Institute of Drug Abuse, 34.8% of 12th graders admitted to abusing the drug in the year prior

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Business Ethics Within Today Free Essays

Business Ethics within Today’s Business See Yang University of Phoenix Business Ethics within Today’s Business Ethics are very important to all business people. Yet, many neglect ethics as an important part that plays a major impact upon a person’s success as a leader or advisor. Ethical dilemmas are faced everyday in the society. We will write a custom essay sample on Business Ethics Within Today or any similar topic only for you Order Now Which in today’s business world ethical issues like harassment, conflict of interest, and customer confidence issues does affects the community and organization. Business ethics is not something that naturally occurs within an organization. It’s a culture that upper management and employees need to build from the ground up, which helps the company to tackle moral issues confronting the business. Therefore, business ethics examines ethical principles and moral or ethical problem that arise in a business environment, which applies to all aspect of business conduct and are relevant to the conduct of individuals and business organizations all together (Trevino Nelson, 2007). However, business ethics creates professional attitudes and behaviors throughout the organization and the surrounding environment. In today’s business world, harassment is not taken lightly. Harassment or sexual harassment is sexual behavior toward another person with unwanted contact with the other person. Harassment is not when two people come together and kiss but when someone is making rude comments or trying to have sexual contact with another person without permission. Because harassment is a form of discrimination harassment is an ethical issue that stops workers from performing their duties due to miss treatment and unfairness (Trevino Nelson, 2007). Another ethical issue is conflicts of interest. Conflict of interest includes issues as bribes, influence and privileged information. For example, if an individual was working for a retail company and was also employed by another retail company at the same time would be consider a conflict of interest. Due to valuable information the individual holds about the company, therefore the company would expect the individual to quit or look for another job. Conflict of interest can also occur by holding a personal relationship with another co-worker and distributing irregular discounts to other vendors when the discount is meant just for the worker. As a company, avoiding conflict of interest is the best way to go. Conflicts could cause loss of employment and corporation or law and federal charges. Customer confidence issues are another ethical issue. It includes topics such as confidentiality and truth in advertising. Confidentiality is basically the privacy of the customer. The privacy protects the customer’s personal information on sales and finance. As an employee, truth in advertising plays a huge role in customer service. If an employee is promoting something and is not promoting the proper information, the company could lose a substantial amount of money depending on the situation. As well as losing customers and business. Customer confidence has a saying, â€Å"the customer is always right† (Trevino Nelson, 2007). Most businesses use the saying to prevent tension between the corporation and the customer and provide customer satisfaction. Harassment, conflict of interest, and customer confidence issues are some of the business ethical issues, which are common in everyday business. An individual can make a single decision that can have a negative or positive effect around his or her surroundings. Businesses make the choices through being honest or lying. However, it will determine what fate the business would fall in. A business who values work ethics would be a business valued by the customers. Reference Trevino, L. K. , Nelson, K. A. (2007). Managing businessethics: Straight talk about how to do it right (4th ed). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley Sons. Retrieved January 3, 2010,from ecampus. phoenix. edu How to cite Business Ethics Within Today, Papers

Saturday, May 2, 2020

A Postmodern Paradox free essay sample

A Postmodern Paradox Postmodernism, a paradox in itself, challenges conformity in countless ways. Taking place after World War II, this movement is mainly characterized by its rejection of social constructs and its challenges to traditional forms of philosophy, literature, art, and religious authority. Ironically, while it defied categorizing, it became a category itself. Nevertheless, this movement has had a profound impact on countless literary, cinematographic, art, and philosophic works. Two works that have been profoundly influenced by postmodernism includes Slaughterhouse 5 by Kurt Opponent, and the elm and book The Hours, by Michael Cunningham. While both works have been influenced by modernism in separate ways, they ultimately share its key themes: an abstraction of time, a rejection of reality, and a search for higher purpose. Through the use of postmodernism themes and literary techniques, both the movie and book were able to convey that absolute truth does not exist because it is relative, intricate, and blurred. Occurring in the post-World War II era, postmodernism can be considered an intentional departure from previously dominant modernist approaches such as scientific positivism, realism, constructivism, formalism, and tapestries. Through its emphasis and use of power relations, binary classifications, fragmentation, paradox, dark humor, rejection of reality, sociology, linguistics, and subjectivism it constantly attacks contemporary life, art, literature, philosophy, religion, and ethics. In addition, it is characterized by a rejection of reality, claiming that transmutable validity cannot exist since reality is limited by concepts like time and sexuality. It is able to achieve its unique goals in literature and film through numerous literary devices. In literature, there are several devices frequently used by southernism writers to convey some of the main ideas of the movement. Of these devices the use of fragmenting, dark humor, satire, paradox, allusions, mixed point of view and interruption of form are the most frequently used. These devices allow writers to deal with topics like the absurdity of moral, philosophical, political, and authoritative relativism; in addition, these devices provide for a blurring of classifications and boundaries of societal structuring. Ultimately, postmodernists desire to condemn contemporary life, reject reality, and accept relativity and complexity in indefinite answers. The movement of postmodernism came about through a series of meaner. An important factor that contributed to the development was that it followed World War II. Before the war, modernism dominated the current literature of the time. This movement involved rationalism, reason, the scientific approach, optimism for human potential, and a pursuit of absolutely certain knowledge. However, in the wake of both World Wars, the climate was set for postmodernism as confidence in human progress, autonomy, and optimism were destroyed in battle. This permeating and predominantly pessimistic aura of thinking exulted in a series of books, films, artworks, and musical pieces that rejected reality, worldly concepts like time, renounced identity, and questioned the purpose of life. These themes clearly reflect the toll that war had on society; many people desired to marginality the horrors of war in a rejected reality, ostracize human error through a pitiful purpose of existence through fragmented viewpoints. The wars essentially brought about a pessimistic form of modernism that relished in the repudiation of absolute answers; for postmodernists nothing could ever be easily or fully explained. As postmodernist ideals began to develop and conglomerate they were influenced by countless individuals. One extremely influential individual was Linda Hutchison. Hutchison, who wrote several postmodernist works like A Theory of Parody, expressed a great deal of interest in self-reflexive approaches to texts through parodies that both legitimate and subvert that which it parodies (Introductory Guide to Critical Theory). Hutchison also coined the term historiographer metrification, which describes literary texts that assert an interpretation of the past but are also intensely self- flexi; these texts allow a double process of installing and ironing, parody signals how present representations come from past ones and what ideological consequences derive from both continuity and difference (Introductory Guide to Critical Theory). With historiographer metrification, writers can speak constructively about that past in a way that acknowledges the falsity and violence of the past without isolating the present. Many other writers, artists, composers, and directors have had a significant impact on the evolution of postmodernism as well. Key incepts of postmodernism have also developed and evolved through the influence of society and individuals. For example the term kitsch or stratification, which can be defined as the reduction of aesthetic objects or ideas into easily marketable forms, has a more widely accepted definition adopted by famous postmodern philosopher Jean Baudelaire: The kitsch object is commonly understood as one of that great army of trashy objects, made of plaster of Paris [stuck] or some such imitation material: that gallery of cheap Junk”accessories, folksy knickknacks, souvenirs, emphases or fake African masks”which proliferate everywhere, with a preference for holiday resorts and places of leisure (Consumer Society 109-10). Jean Baudelaire also offered a definition for simulacrum, defining it as Simulation is no longer that of a territory, a referential being, or a substance. It is the generation by models of a real without origin or reality: a hyperbole. It is no longer a question of imitation, nor duplication, nor even parody. It is a question of substituting the signs of the real for the real (The Precession of Simulacra 1-2). Postmodernism, like any literary movement, was molded and defined by society and intellectuals involved in its progression. The profound impact postmodernism had on Kurt Evensongs Slaughterhouse 5, through its use of frame-breaking, criticism of worldly concepts like time and war, exploration or reality and truth, simulacrum, and rejection of reality, satire, allowed for the novel to express its ultimate renunciation of an absolute truth in exchange for intricate and indefinable answers. In addition, it was able to express key concepts of post modernism through its use of postmodern iterate devices; many of these concepts included a search for a higher purpose, a renunciation of social structuring, and a rejection of reality. By expressing these concepts, Opponent follows the postmodernist ideals of historiographer metrification, and questioning the absurdity of contemporary life and conventional viewpoints of society. Frame-breaking, the linkage of separate subplots in a novel to unify the intricacies of an entire plot, contributed to the postmodernist impact on the novel by individuality. Frame-breaking takes place in the novel through the employment of Opponent as three characters of differing importance: the narrator, the protagonist, and a supporting character. Through frame-breaking, Opponent demonstrates that even the recount of a war experience does not hold a simple plot; it consists of a web of intermingled plots, ideas, characters, events, and concepts; this adheres to the postmodernist principle of blurred lines of interpretation and absolute truth. In addition, frame-breaking allows for a loss of identity. The loss of identity occurs when Opponent represents an omniscient force narrating the story as he simultaneously lays protagonist Billy Pilgrim, and a seemingly inconsequential supporting character. Opponent as an omniscient force demonstrates the renunciation of religion in postmodernist ideals; Opponent plays god, yet he is as trivial as any other human being. Furthermore, by telling his own story in the perspective of Billy Pilgrim this demonstrates how war results in a loss of identity, or the adoption of an alias. Rather than personalizing the story in a first person perspective, Opponent distances himself from the horrors of his past. Finally, by including himself as a prison mate in Billy Pilgrims story, this demonstrates how in postmodernism, all identities consolidate; the man that represented god and the protagonist is nevertheless a supporting character in the larger plot of the story. By disparaging his ultimate role in the novel, Opponent demonstrates that people are all essentially equal in life and in death- thus a loss of individualism. Through the use of simulacrum, which involves replacing reality with a representation, Opponent is able to criticize worldly concepts like time and war. For instance, by using the simulacrum of Transformable for Earth, e criticizes the necessity of war. Transformable represents a conglomeration of ideals he believes are optimal in achieving peace. However, instead of directly stating those concepts, Opponent employs a narrative and symbolism; this allows for a rejection of reality while criticizing war. Time is also criticized through a simulacrum of time traveling. Through time traveling the distinctness of years is blurred and time loses meaning as it is muddled together. This criticism of time is a unique postmodernist concept that is closely related to the criticism of social structuring. As postmodernist writer, Opponent denounces the traditional concept of time and replaces it with a web of linked yet intricate events. Simulacrum is also used in the plot of Billy Pilgrims Journey; rather than telling the story in the first person perspective, Opponent ostracizes himself thus criticizing the worldly concept of individualism and identity. Contrastingly, he links all frames of the story in the end of the novel to demonstrate that personal identity is futile when people are all equal in life and in death. In addition the concept of death is abandoned as Opponent accepts omelet equality of the human identity. By employing a plot dedicated to the exploration of reality and truth, Opponent demonstrates that the world according to postmodernists is full of blurred lines, undefined edges, and complex networks of relationships. Not only does the novel in its entirety consist of three convoluted interwoven subplots made up of smaller subplots, but it contains episodes of irrationality and science-fiction. This mixture of reality and science fiction represents a renunciation of reality for a combination of philosophy and fantasy; further mistreating that reality does not exist in a state of definable truth, but in limbo higher purpose is an impossibly multifaceted path that nevertheless ends the same as all others do: everything is connected and personal identity is trivial. The Hours, written by Michael Cunningham and directed by Stephen Deadly, has been manifestly impacted by postmodernism through its use of fragmenting, stratification , satire, and renunciation of worldly concepts like death to express postmodern ideals like a loss of identity or interconnection of all things. Through expressing these ideals, Cunningham was able to reject typical social and literary construct and ultimately convey that answers are not simple or absolute. Frame- breaking is employed in the hours through the eventual amassing of all three subplots within the novel to demonstrate the interconnectedness of all human identities. The novel is formatted in three separate spheres to demonstrate how as humans search their lives for purpose, they are unable to see how individualism and identity are inane. The three plots are eventually connected through death- another worldly concept denounced by postmodernists. Through death, the characters become linked to one another and the reader becomes aware of their unity; this demonstrates how death provides enlightenment and is not solely the end of a life. Additionally, frame-breaking allows the criticism of the concept of time. All three subplots take place in completely different eras, yet they have profound impact on one another despite this detriment; this demonstrates that time is merely a concept, rather than an obstacle, and cannot overcome the unity of humanity identity. Stratification and loss of identity are expressed through a variety of literary devices n The Hours to demonstrate that superficiality and identity are ultimately trivial in life. Stratification most chiefly occurs in the novel and film when the concept of love is reduced to a party and flowers; this becomes a criticism of superficiality upon the death of Richard when the party goes to waste. It signifies that the superficial form of love was powerless and inconsequential to Richards death and that death encompasses all. In addition, both Richard and Virgins death represents a loss of identity in that his life and accomplishment were evidently meaningless to them. In he end, they chose the namelessness of death as their path rather than a quest for a higher purpose or discovery of self-identity. Their deaths are a demonstration of the interconnectedness of life in that both writers commit suicide, creating a full circle to the complex web of relationships. Postmodernism, contradicts itself in its essence. Yet its use of paradoxes, satire, criticisms of the conventional, and quest for answers have had a profound impact on the development of literature, art, and society. While postmodernism will be phase in the history of writing, it will not cease to remind rites to question the norm, look past what is conventional, and defy typical form and construction.